Senin, 28 September 2009

    X-Dance ProGraMer V,4 NEWS

    X-Dance ProGraMer V,4 NEWS

    Credits By:

    SS NYA SENGAJA GW AMBIL PF NYA CUMAN 50x Soal Nya gw males Kalo terlalu Lama...

    Cheat Yang gw Buat Selalu Ada Icon StRc & Selalu ada bacaan <-JalanKan Cheat InI Tentunya Di Dalem Cheatnya

    Oke GK Usah banyak Basa-Basi lagi Lah Langsung aja Donload

    Credits By:

    Minggu, 06 September 2009

    Cheat Pro BP


    Cheat Ini Buat yg Kurang Pro Menjadi pro

    Berhubung w Baik Jadi W Kasih Free.

    Password : pbonly

    Pergunain Dengan baik yah..


    Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

    StuDioRangga Forum

    Moderator Adalah Legend Yang Bertugas Menjaga Ketertiban Forum,Agar Tidak Ada Spam,Flaming,Junk,Dsb.
    Syarat Untuk Menjadi Moderators Adalah:
    -Minimal Online 5Jam Sehari.
    -Tegas Dalam Mengambil Keputusan.
    -Menempatkan Tread Pada Tempatnya.
    -Merapihkan Tread Yang Berantakan

    Contributor Adalah Legend Yang Bertugas Menjawab Segala Pertanyaan Di Forum.
    Syarat Menjadi Contributor Adalah:
    -Minimal Online 4Jam Sehari.
    -Bisa Menjawab Segala Pertanyaan Di Forum.

    Founder Adalah Legend Yang Bertugas Menemukan Cheat Terbaru Dan Bisa Mengedit Cheat Tsb.
    Syarat Menjadi Founder Adalah:
    -Minimal Online 3Jam Sehari.
    -Bisa Menemukan Cheat Terbaru Serta Meneditnya.

    Untuk jadi Legend Silahkan Kirim Email Ke:
    Dengan Subject: @Legend
    Yang Berisikan:

    2.NickName Forum:
    3.Tanggal Lahir:
    4.Ingin Menjadi Legend Apa:
    5.Lokasi Sekarang:
    7.Alasan Ingin Menjadi Legend:

    Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

    Imperial X Programs 0.2

    Lihat IP pengirim



    Psswrod: studiorc

    Hack Cash Sea NEW

    NEW HACK Cash In Audition Indo n Sea




    Nick Forum w:
    Nick Audition
    Untuk Premium member 25k
    Untuk Member 10k
    Untuk VIP Member 50k

    Kirimin aja Biodata Lo Lewat Nomer: 081808424235

    Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009


    Udh Gk Usah banyak Basa Basi W Nerangin Langsung aja DOWNLOAD

    Senin, 13 Juli 2009

    Download Cheat Beat Up | Edisi Juli 2009

    Akhirnya setelah ditunggu-tunggu keluar juga cheat Beat Up edisi bulan Juli 2009 ini :) Oh iya, cheat ini namanya Auto Party dan aku dapetin cheat ini dari salah seorang temen aku yaitu Jimmy Steven (thanks ya bro!). Dengan menggunakan Auto Party ini maka kamu ga perlu kuatir lagi klo maen Beat Up di AyoDance ^.^

    Gimana? Udah ga sabar download cheat Beat Up ini kan? Eitss, tunggu dulu. Dalam cheat yang bisa kamu download secara gratis ini, terdapat tutorialnya juga di dalem. Jadi, kamu ga perlu bingung gimana cara pakenya soalnya tutorial yang ada di dalem udah cukup lengkap kok. Neh, klo mau download, klik aja link dibawah :D Gratis kok!

    Berikut sedikit informasi mengenai cheat Auto Party ini :
    • Pilih lagu : Pencet F11 ato F12
    • Nyalain cheat : Pencet F10
    • Matiin cheat : Pencet F9
    Gampang kan cara pakenya? Untuk tutorial-nya sebenernya udah ada didalem, tapi gpp deh aku tulis juga di sini biar lebih jelas :
    1. Buka folder AyoDance kamu
    2. Cari file yang namanya fmod.dll
    3. Klik kanan ke file tadi trus Rename file tersebut menjadi fmod_.dll
    4. Cari file yang namanya fmod.dll juga di folder Auto Party
    5. Copy file itu ke folder AyoDance kamu
    6. Klik 2 kali di Auto Party.exe
    7. Selesai! Sekarang kamu bisa nikmatin cheat Beat Up ini ^.^
    Tolong gunain cheat Beat Up edisi bulan Juli 2009 ini secara bijak dan inget, jangan suka show off! ok?

    Rohan Bot

    All kali ini saya mau ngsih bot rohan free deh ga bayar deh heheeee,.. langsung ajah yah ga usah banayak ngmng lagi...

    Nih tempat download nya langsung, tinggal klik download :,10

    Ini kalo masih pusing, direct download :

    Penggunaannya :
    1. Extract.
    2. Doble klik yang gambar jari telunjuk.
    3. Nanti jari telunjuk ada di notification area, pojok kanan bawah, dekat jam. Bro klik kiri aja, start game.
    4. Nanti bro langsung masuk ke dalam game (tanpa lewat GG).
    5. Bro login seperti biasa, setelah masuk bro pencet HOME, nanti keluar menu.
    6. Untuk menggunakan bot nya, bro harus login pada menu tersebut. ID dan password menggunakan ID dan password pada, jadi bro harus daftar dulu.
    7. Kalo udah login, bro ke tempat hunt, terus klik autotraining.

    Good Luck all...

    INFO: Bagi kalian yang main rohan di close beta en udah lv gede jangan takut id kalian ga bakal di reset atau di del pas open beta jadi main ajah jangan nunggu open beta ^^'

    Credit : Auliashinta (N3)

    Sumber : HanEClub



    04 Nice Dancer 1.7 update 4/7/2009

    [update] nice Dancer 4/7/2009


    Các Phím tắt :

    + Xperfect (F9/F10) [Tạm Khoá]
    +Canh Perfect Pro (Window)
    +Auto Ready (F3/F4)
    +Auto Space (F7/F8) + - Chỉnh Toạ Độ
    +Auto Ctrl ( F5/F6)
    +Auto Arrow
    -------->Chero/Crazy 4l/8k (Z)
    -------->BBOY (Cab Lock)
    --------->Nhay Doi (Tab)
    --------->Beat Up (Alt + 1 ,Alt +2) Dùng Key + - để chỉnh Bmp tốc độ nhac.
    Mac Dinh x= 101 tuy` máy co the chon 103 105 de co perfect nhiu nhat! Phai Su DUng Cảd Man Hinh Roi Va Phai CHinh Lai CradMan Hinh KickFrame De Auto Chạy muot hon perfecr nhiu hon!

    -------------->Nhấn Enter bên trái vào đầu trận dể thu nhỏ khung mũi tên Auto điểm nhiu` hơn.

    --------->Auto Off (F12)

    Nhấn Alt + Tab Để thát Audtion 0 bị treo máy

    Tải Khoản Đăng Nhập :

    + mem001 đến mem040.

    + mem041 đến mem060.

    Mật Khẩu Chung : 111

    -------->NiceDancer Sẽ Không Hổ Trợ Chức Năng Xperfect Cho Audition VietNam

    9D hỗ trợ tối ưu khi

    1/ bàn phím chuẩn ps/2

    2/card màn hình rời đã chỉnh kick frame va` Force=Off

    P/s do 4 rum mới bị del bài lên post lại cho AE vào down nhé Tài sản của VipNo1



    iTechFire Hot Dance 1.8 (IHD) - Auto Audition - 03-07-09

    Link Download :

    Download here

    -Window: Canh Perfect Pro 95% (instead of normal hours click -> [Space] is
    click Window -> increase to 95% perfect)
    [Window] is between the male `[Ctrl] and [Alt]
    -F3: Enable Auto Ctrl
    -F4: Disable 'Auto Ctrl
    -F5: Enable Auto F1
    -F6: Turn off 'Auto F1
    -F7: Enabling Auto Space
    -F8: Turn off Auto Space
    ... +: Increase Auto Space coordinates
    ... -: Discount Auto Space coordinates
    -Tab: Sometimes Auto Show (Couple)
    -CapsLock: Auto BeatUp
    -F10: Perfect Hack
    -F11: Auto Cherco - Dinamic - FreeSyle - Crazy
    -F12: Off -> Auto Arrows, double jump auto, auto beatUp

    Pemakain masih sama dengan Rhd yang dulu..
    dengan id dancer01....
    password 111...
    password optinal 123123..


    Idol Street Auto Arrow

    Idol Street?? Ada cheat auto arrow kayak ayodance itu ga?? ada pastinya!! Game IS hampir sama dengan ayodance makannya bisa. tetapi cheat IS beda dengan AD. Idol Street menggunakan CE ditambah dengan program pembantunnya. Kalian bisa lihat tutorialnya dulu

    1. Download Extract
    2. Bukan Idol Street hingga login screen
    3. Buka CE dan target ke Launch.exe
    4. Centeng Hex. Lalu cari Array of Bytes Valuenya '00 00 bc 41 00 00 a0 41 00 00 b0 41 0c 01 00'
    5. Jika berhasil kalian akan mendapatkan 1 addres. Copy ke adress list.
    5. Copy adress value yang tadi contoh = '1CF6A5CC'.
    7. Jalankan Freestyler. Tekan Strat lalu masukkan adress tadi dan tekan ok. Jika Freestyler error kalian harus menginstall .Net Framework terlebih dahulu.
    8. Login dan Playing sepuasnya^
    9. Auto Arrow pada dance mode. Ingat Spasinya kalian sendiri yang tekan.

    alat yang dibutuhkan bisa kalian download:
    1. Freestyler 0.6 (mediafire)
    2. Cheat Engine (cheat directory)
    3. NET Framework 2.0/3.0 (Cari di google)


    Patch Juli 2009

    Dalam patch yang baru ini ada fitur baru yaitu wardrobe di fitur ini kalian bisa langsung ganti avatar/pakean di room jadi gax usah repot" pindah k'mall lagi dan ada juga story mode 81-100 bagi kalian yang pengen tamatin story mode sekarang bisa kok jadi tenang ajah update x ini emang manatap deh tersedia juga 1 vs 1 bboy battle jadi kalian disinih bisa vsan 1 by 1 kan biasanya kalo lagi ribut" ma orng ngjak by1 nah jadi kalian kalo mau by1 pake fitur 1 vs 1 bboy battle ajah udah di sediakan tuh.. en satu lagi yang paling penting ada 100++ avatar dan motion baru juga patch dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 Juli 2009 so tunggu ajah.. ^^

    Senin, 29 Juni 2009

    Cheat C Terbaru Binghai - Edisi Juli






    Pangya US Trainer 1.0 [Beta]

    Download Here

    cara pake:
    -> Buka Trainer
    -> Jalankan Pangya
    -> Tutup Form 2
    -> Trainer yang akan ditampilkan
    -> Pilih yang dikehendaki
    tapi klo mau trainer ini juga bisa di gabung ma enggine lho..

    penjelasan :

    vento artinya angin, klo mo nyalain angin 0 tgl centrang aja.
    klo angina mo normal lagi centrang aja ativar vento.

    special shot sama aja kali artinya ma indo.
    klo mo test, test aja dulu di practice ganti ganti aja value nya dari 1 sampai semaulo deh..
    special shoot itu bisa di pergunakan buat VS/tur P batle dll.

    pula jogada hack kek na itu buat DC in orang deh klo lagi VS.
    test aja deh di VS misal ketemu orang nyebelin pas maen di tengah..
    centrang aja coba fitur ini di jamin lawan kita itu DC (tapi kasian juga sih)

    sempre artinya selalu jadi sempre OB always oB.<<<>pass dia mukul klik aja. pasti OB.

    di jamin klo pake ini maen di VS,match dan P batle menang mulu hilarious.png
    klo pas kita mukul balikin aja. curaaaaaang
    yah klo fitur anti OB sama aja kek di pangya INDO.

    *Source Untitled-69



    Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

    Perfect Line V3.0

    Eiiitz. jangan susah-susah beli spidol buat isiin garis di monitor :D. Itu teknik jadul (read:jaman dulu). Sekarang sudah ada programnya yang sudah mencapai versi 3.0 yaitu untuk audition seoason II. Tinggal klik pilih english dan klik full mode login dan. Muncul garis.

    Kan bisa untuk ngelatih skill perfect tanpa memakai cheat. tidak usah belama-lama langsung download filenya.


    Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

    DotA-Allstars 6.61 Leaked! [Beta3]

    Dota 6.61 Beta Map Changelogs:
    Press Thanks Or Donate A Points =)

    * Fixed natural regeneration on rax
    * Fixed Living Armor not regenerating structures properly
    * Fixed incorrect sell value on some aghanim scepters
    * Fixed Double Damage visual effect to properly show when the user is using low graphics mode
    * Reduced Double Edge cooldown (25->12)
    * Watchers now have collision. They also have 400 less vision range and give +40 more bounty.- Various misc code fps stuff- Undid magic stick cd change- Undid Sil armor change- Fixed Reverse Polarity, it properly places them infront of you now
    * Fixed an error in the damage calculation method for Plasma Field
    * Reduced FPS drops when using Shiva's Guard and Plasma Field with some custom import files (PGRu-Unexpect3D)
    * Improved Faceless Void's base strength (17->23)
    * Improved Silencer's base armor by 2 points
    * Restored original cooldown improvement on Scepter for QoP
    * Improved Searing Arrows damage from 10/20/30/40 to 20/30/40/50
    * Increased projectile speed on Mystic Snake
    * Lowered Stone Gaze cooldown (70->35)
    * Sven's Storm bolt now uses the normal unit targeting scheme. No gameplay changes, just the interface visuals.
    * Fixed -ns mode
    * Fixed Napalm not properly stacking and doing higher constant values [needs playtesting since it may be too useless now]
    * Slightly increased Eyes in the Forest cast range (+25) to fix some order issue bugs [make sure u can't abuse it]
    * Casting Nature's Guise on an allied unit will no longer take you out if if you have it on you
    * Reverse Polarity now pulls units slightly infront of you instead of all around you
    * Lowered Magic Stick/Wand cooldown from 17 to 13
    * Added a new icon for Slardar's Bash (3587)

    Sumber: dota-utilities

    Hack C Gratis 100%

    Mau CLue (Cheat C) langsung gratis 100% ngak perlu bayar" download aja langsung

    Download Here !!!
    Txs : N3

    Sumber: Shin(HIKARU)

    Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

    MH PACTH 1.23

    MH PACTH 1.23 -->>>>

    Hmp.. kali ini saya akan memberikan MH patch 1.23 buat kalian.. cara menggunakannya sama kayak MH patch 1.22 cuman ada beberapa perbedan sedikit di MH 1.23 MH ini dah saya coba di garena en work 100% untuk patch 1.23 so tungguin ajah di server indo patch 1.23.. kalo dah patch cobain perbedaan MH patch 1.22 sama MH patch 1.23
    Untuk download MH PACTH 1.23
    Kelik disinih


    Hot!! HNMODZ 1.7

    Tutorial : Copy ke folder ayodance kalian, Setelah selesai login tekan F8

    F9 : Mulai Perfect

    Auto 1k: Capslock Start, F12 shortcut.
    Only 1 key is auto 4 only used with the functions 1k.

    Auto Ctrl: Jump For Beatrush, On F5, F6 Off

    Auto Space: Enabling F3, F4 shortcut, the + side effects to reduce the delay, oil - the key to increase the delay effects

    Ok i think that's all. Monggo... Dilarang Mengcopy Paste tanpa sumber.. Tetapi saya tidak melarang anda untuk mencopas..

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    Game Pro - Hack Gold Gunbound is a tool to hacking gold in Gunbound game. You will get a lot of gold by using this tool
    Tutorial Penggunanan:
    pada file yang kamu download cari file "Systemretriever.exe" lalu jalankan
    Klik Moonlight Engine, tunggu hingga terbuka dan tekan CTRL+O
    Cari File "gbviet by MrCoi.CT"
    Open file di folder C:\Gunbound\GameGuard yang berextensi .des dan ganti valuenya menjadi :
    value = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
    Tadaaa. Buka Game Gunbound and Guunbound Succesfully Hacked by You. Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil.


    Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

    Corel Draw X3 Only 33 MB

    Corel Draw adalah sebuah software editor grafik yang dibuat oleh Corel, sebuah perusahaan yang bermarkas di Ottawa Kanada, sofware desaign grafis ini sangat banyak fungsinya selain juga untuk bisa mengedit foto corel draw juga bisa dibuat untuk gambar vector.Biarpun CorelDreaw ini versi lawas tapi corel Draw X3 ini menawarkan berbagai macam fitur fitur menarik seperti dapat membuat Chart, Logo, atau Clipart, gambar-gambar vektor yang dihasilkan tampak lebih baik dan terlihat nyata.Tidak usa basa basi lagi mengenai software corel draw X3 dibawah ini saya sediakan link download corel draw X3 yang besarnya hanya 33 MB, cukup kecil bukan untuk ukuran sebuah software desaign grafis yang biasanya berukuran ratusan Megabyte. Bagi yang belum begitu ngerti mengenai tool-tool corel draw dibawah ini juga saya sediakan dua Link download untuk belajar corel draw. Selamat mencoba

    Link Download E Book Corel Draw
    1.Download E Book Corel Draw 1
    2.Download E Book Corel Draw 2

    Karena Ukuran Corel Draw X3 yang cukup besar sekitar 33 MB, untuk mempercepat download Anda dapt menggunakan sofwtware IDM, KLIK DISINI untuk mendownload IDM.

    Net Tools 5.0

    Net Tools 5.0 (build 70) contains a whole variety of network tools. Here is a list of the most important tools:
    1) IP Address Scanner
    2) IP Calculator
    3) IP Converter
    4) Port Listener
    5) Port Scanner
    6) Ping
    7) NetStat (2 ways)
    8) Trace Route (2 ways)
    9) TCP/IP Configuration
    10) Online - Offline Checker
    11) Resolve Host & IP
    12) Time Sync
    13) Whois & MX Lookup
    14) Connect0r
    15) Connection Analysator and protector
    16) Net Sender
    17) E-mail seeker
    18) Net Pager
    19) Active and Passive port scanner
    20) Spoofer
    21) Hack Trapper
    22) HTTP flooder (DoS)
    23) Mass Website Visiter
    24) Advanced Port Scanner
    25) Trojan Hunter (Multi IP)
    26) Port Connecter Tool
    27) Advanced Spoofer
    28) Advanced Anonymous E-mailer
    29) Simple Anonymous E-mailer
    30) Anonymous E-mailer with Attachment Support
    31) Mass E-mailer
    32) E-mail Bomber
    33) E-mail Spoofer
    34) Simple Port Scanner (fast)
    35) Advanced Netstat Monitoring
    36) X Pinger
    37) Web Page Scanner
    38) Fast Port Scanner
    39) Deep Port Scanner
    40) Fastest Host Scanner (UDP)
    41) Get Header
    42) Open Port Scanner
    43) Multi Port Scanner
    44) HTTP scanner (Open port 80 subnet scanner)
    45) Multi Ping for Cisco Routers
    46) TCP Packet Sniffer
    47) UDP flooder
    48) Resolve and Ping
    49) Multi IP ping
    50) File Dependency Sniffer
    51) EXE-joiner (bind 2 files)
    52) Encrypter
    53) Advanced Encryption
    54) File Difference Engine
    55) File Comparasion
    56) Mass File Renamer
    57) Add Bytes to EXE
    58) Variable Encryption
    59) Simple File Encryption
    60) ASCII to Binary (and Binary to ASCII)
    61) Enigma
    62) Password Unmasker
    63) Credit Card Number Validate and Generate
    64) Create Local HTTP Server
    65) eXtreme UDP Flooder
    66) Web Server Scanner
    67) Force Reboot
    68) Webpage Info Seeker
    69) Bouncer
    70) Advanced Packet Sniffer
    71) IRC server creater
    72) Connection Tester
    73) Fake Mail Sender
    74) Bandwidth Monitor
    75) Remote Desktop Protocol Scanner
    76) MX Query
    77) Messenger Packet Sniffer
    78) API Spy
    79) DHCP Restart
    80) File Merger
    81) E-mail Extractor (crawler / harvester bot)
    82) Open FTP Scanner
    83) Advanced System Locker
    84) Advanced System Information
    85) CPU Monitor
    86) Windows Startup Manager
    87) Process Checker
    88) IP String Collecter
    89) Mass Auto-Emailer (Database mailer; Spammer)
    90) Central Server (Base Server; Echo Server; Time Server; Telnet Server; HTTP Server; FTP Server)
    91) Fishing Port Scanner (with named ports)
    92) Mouse Record / Play Automation (Macro Tool)
    93) Internet / LAN Messenger Chat (Server + Client)
    94) Timer Shutdown/Restart/Log Off/Hibernate/Suspend/ Control
    95) Hash MD5 Checker
    96) Port Connect - Listen tool
    97) Internet MAC Address Scanner (Multiple IP)
    98) Connection Manager / Monitor
    99) Direct Peer Connecter (Send/Receive files + chat)
    100) Force Application Termination (against Viruses and Spyware)
    101) Easy and Fast Screenshot Maker (also Web Hex Color Picker)
    102) COM Detect and Test
    103) Create Virtual Drives
    104) URL Encoder
    105) WEP/WPA Key Generator
    106) Sniffer.NET
    107) File Shredder
    108) Local Access Enumerater
    109) Steganographer (Art of hiding secret data in pictures)
    110) Subnet Calculater
    111) Domain to IP (DNS)
    112) Get SNMP Variables
    113) Internet Explorer Password Revealer
    114) Advanced Multi Port Scanner
    115) Port Identification List (+port scanner)
    116) Get Quick Net Info
    117) Get Remote MAC Address
    118) Share Add
    119) Net Wanderer
    120) WhoIs Console
    121) Cookies Analyser
    122) Hide Secret Data In Files
    123) Packet Generator
    124) Secure File Splitting
    125) My File Protection (Password Protect Files, File Injections)
    126) Dynamic Switch Port Mapper
    127) Internet Logger (Log URL)
    128) Get Whois Servers
    129) File Split&Merge
    130) Hide Drive
    131) Extract E-mails from Documents
    132) Net Tools Mini (Client/Server, Scan, ICMP, Net Statistics, Interactive, Raw Packets, DNS, Whois, ARP, Computer's IP, Wake On LAN)
    133) Hook Spy
    134) Software Uninstaller
    135) Tweak & Clean XP
    136) Steganographic Random Byte Encryption
    137) NetTools Notepad (encrypt your sensitive data)
    138) File Encrypter/Decrypter
    139) Quick Proxy Server
    140) Connection Redirector (HTTP, IRC, ... All protocols supported)
    141) Local E-mail Extractor
    142) Recursive E-mail Extractor
    143) Outlook Express E-mail Extractor
    144) Telnet Client
    145) Fast Ip Catcher
    146) Monitor Host IP
    147) FreeMAC (MAC Address Editor)
    148) QuickFTP Server (+user accounts support)
    149) NetTools Macro Recorder/Player (Keybord and Mouse Hook)
    150) Network Protocol Analyzer
    151) Steganographic Tools (Picture, Sounds, ZIP Compression and Misc Methods)
    152) WebMirror (Website Ripper)
    153) GeoLocate IP
    154) Google PageRank Calculator
    155) Google Link Crawler (Web Result Grabber)
    156) Network Adapter Binder
    157) Remote LAN PC Lister
    158) Fast Sinusoidal Encryption
    159) Software Scanner
    160) Fast FTP Client
    161) Network Traffic Analysis
    162) Network Traffic Visualiser
    163) Internet Protocol Scanner
    164) Net Meter (Bandwidth Traffic Meter)
    165) Net Configuration Switcher
    166) Advanced System Hardware Info
    167) Live System Information
    168) Network Profiler
    169) Network Browser
    170) Quick Website Maker and Web Gallery Creator
    171) Remote PC Shutdown172) Serial Port Terminal
    173) Standard Encryptor174) Tray Minimizer
    175) Extra Tools (nmap console & win32 version)
    Many extra features and utilities are included in this package!


    Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

    iTechFire Hot Dance 1.6Fix (IHD) - Auto Audition - 17-06-09

    iTechFire Hot Dance 1.6Fix (IHD) - Auto Audition - 17-06-09

    Đã chuyển tên thương hiệu từ Romeo Hot Dance (RHD) thành iTechFire Hot Dance (IHD)
    Đã đổi địa chỉ giao dịch cũ ( thành => ( và sẽ thay đổi hoàn toàn các thông tin về sản phẩm thành iTechFire

    Link Download :

    Hướng dẫn và tài khoản chung: bật Auto lên sẽ có !
    Thêm 100 tài khoản Hack Perfect + Hacl Del + Auto Space mừng 4rum mới
    Đã khắc phục sự cố không thể đăng nhập vào server vào ban đêm. Hiện tại server sẽ chay 24/24 và reset định kì 2 ngày 1 lần vào 12h khuya ! ( trừ khi mất điện)

    Auto Beat Up chỉ hoạt động khi bật Del (del bằng nút Enter bên tay phải [numlock] )
    Không được nhấn F9 nếu không sẽ bị Dis Au.
    tùy chỉnh card màn hình: vào Control Panel của card màn hình.=> 3D setting =>
    Cách 1: Chỉnh chế độ Performance = Performance hoặc High Performance.
    Cách 2: Chỉnh chế độ Vertical Sync = Force Off
    Vào đây để xem hướng dẫn chi tiết => <--- link down font cho ai bị lỗi font. Giải nén, chép vào thư mục Fonts (mặc đình là C:\Windows\Fonts) Hình đính kèm:


    Cheat Inject Perfect Patch Juni 2009

    Neh w ad Cit Perfect work 99%
    NO DC 80%
    kga pke HSHIELD HSHIELD an..!!

    Cara na..
    F12 -> Inject perfect
    F11 -> Inject Arrow
    F5 -> Exit/DC

    Dah ah.. w kga mau berbanyak bacot lgi..
    langsung sedot ...!!


    pass : here



    Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

    Win Mode Au

    Want to force a game or application into windowed mode that
    doesn't support it through its own interface? Now you can,
    to an extent. Results will vary depending on how your DirectX
    application was written.


    1) Launch dxwnd.exe
    2) Right click the application's window pane
    3) Select "Add"
    4) Use the "..." button to browse for your fullscreened executable
    5) Select the DirectX version of your executable if it's known, if
    not, leave it set to "Automatic"
    6) If your executable runs in 256 (8-bit) colored mode, check
    the "Emulate 256 Color Palette" check box
    7) Click "OK"
    8) Now that you have an entry for your executable, simply double click it
    or run the game/application itself. What's neat is as long as dwwnd is
    running, it will intercept the launching of the application itself, so
    it's not necessary to use dxwnd itself to start your game/application

    Good luck.

    Work for Audition :

    Is Not ALT + TAB WinMod

    Download here...

    Sumber: Shin(HIKARU)

    Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

    Auto Patch Killer

    - DL file d atas
    - instal lgsng ke Folder Crazykart

    Ini Untuk ap??

    - Ini buat mempercepat login n menghentikan proses autopatch.
    - Sekalian bila qmu ganti sound atw pun data" di crazykart mka tdk akan d patch ulank lg..
    - So..,gk sa bolak balik tiap kali mw maen gnti sound atw data mlu..tgl 1x ganti sound n slama na da lengket..

    - Anti cocod + Anti cacad..woekwokeowkeokwe


    pass : BerTz



    Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

    Megaxus Micash Database Hacker2

    Cara Pakai :
    1.login ke
    2.isi micash to add minimal 100.000 or your ID will banned !
    3.klik Hack Micash !
    4.Lihat apa yang terjadi work atau ga.. !!!
    5.Nih cheat ga tau work atau ga soalnya belom nyoba hehee...


    Cheat‌ PW

    ney speed hack pke cheat engine 5.4 yg bs loe share d sne..


    ney Cheat ud wa coba d game Perfect World (PW) and Cabal Online ...

    Tutorial :

    1. jalanin yg kmu ingin maenkan ( dgn syarat game harus tdk ada protector ny )

    2. stlh itu, hidpkan cheat engine ny...

    3. klik bgian paling atas kiri, yg ad gambar kompie.

    4. cari game yg ingin kmu maenkan td. ( contoh : pw indonesia.exe )

    5. stlh itu, centangin pd kolom kosong d samping enable speed hack.

    6. stlh d centangin, maka secara otomatis akan keluar kotak tmpt kamu mengatur speed yg kamu inginkan. (pada kotak speed,bukan sleep ( disarankan agar speed yg kmu atur jgn lebih dr 15, krn kemungkinan besar akan DC))

    7. setelah kmu atur speed ny , klik tanda pilihan set speed.. have fun...

    note: game yg akan di cheat, d lakukan sewaktu char yg dimainkan Online. Dengan menekan tombol alt + tab

    Multi ID Perfect World

    Multi ID Perfect World

    If you have two character perfect world and you want play with multi login. Now, you can use multi login. How to use multi login perfect world :
    1. download and extract file
    2. enter element client
    3. open program renameIT
    4. click launcher your perfect world
    5. now, you can play the game with 2 character

    remember, I suggest your ram 1 GB or more

    download multi ID



    Download Counter Strike 1.6 Undetected Cheat

    Let's download counter strike 1.6 undetected cheat in here for FREE! The name of cheat that I want to share here is MPH UNHEIL 06 for Counter Strike 1.6 It has cool features. MP-HACKS UNHEIL made by seren1ty. Here the features of MPH UNHEIL 06 for Counter Strike 1.6 :

    • Adjustable Aimbot
    • Wallhack
    • Different Esp´s
    • Nospread
    • Norecoil
    • Silent aiming
    • Smooth
    • Speedhack
    • Movebot

    And here the usage of MPH UNHEIL 06 :

    1. configure the settings in standard.ini file
    2. start any hl1 mod
    3. execute the executable
    4. connect to a server
    5. (you can connect to a server first)

    To download MPH UNHEIL 06 you can download from Cheat Directory.

    NB : The author takes absolutely no rensponsibility for any kind of loss or damage done to your system or to your reputation. USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY

    *Source Time Forum



    Cheat Level Crazy Kart

    Cheat Level Crazy Kart

    Do you want crazy kart level 99 or more ? I find crazykart level cheats at forum. To use crazykart level hacks, you download CE 5.4 or CE 5.5 or moonlight / revolution engine 7.2. Step to use it :
    1. Choice program crazycart client.dat
    2. scan type text your name char
    3. after exit address game value, you see address 4,5,6
    4. find address value 4,5,6 to change your character level to high or low



    DotA All-stars 6.60 HACKED

    DotA All-stars 6.60 HACKED


    -1337(space)(space) (activates cheats)

    -gold #
    -lumber #
    -int #
    -agi #
    -str #
    -lvl #
    -xp #
    -hp #
    -mp #
    -ms #
    -debuff (Removes buff from selected unit)
    -lock (locks the trade system)
    -unlock (Unlocks it)
    -charges# ### (First # slot 2nd charges)
    -additem # (max is about 90)
    -mana (Mana stays at 100%)
    -invis (makes unit invisible)
    -vis (visible)
    -pathoff (walkthrough walls)
    -pathon (normal)
    -setcolor (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
    -owner (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
    -nocd (no cooldown)
    -cdon (cooldown on)
    -bindup/down/left/right (IE: -bindup -kill would make it so that when you hit up it kills whatever s selected)
    -clearkeys (Clears bindings)
    -showkeys (Shows bindings)
    -mh (Dispalys map, no server splits, hopefully)
    -size #
    -food #
    -copy #
    -fast (Hit esc when training units)
    -bfast (Hit esc on building structure)
    -ufast (Research is instant)(To disable one of these commands add -no to it like -noufast)
    -share ##
    -unshare ##
    -ally ##
    -unally ##
    -soff (share off)
    -spawn #### (List)
    -ground ####
    -add ####
    -remove #### (removes the ability)
    -g ## #### (gold)
    -l ## #### (lumber)
    -f ## #### (food)
    -spa ## #### (Spawn unit)
    -sn ## (setname)
    -sc ## (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
    -dead (Sets units animation to dead)
    -birth (Sets building to being built)
    -attack (Sets unit to attack)
    -stand (Sets unit to stand)
    -hear (You can see what everyone is saying)
    -nohear (back to normal)
    -kick ##
    -tele (sets patrol to teleport)
    -note (sets it back to normal)
    -reg (Right-click two spots and a region will be made)
    -time ## (Sets time to that hour)
    -float ### ### (first #'s is height 2nd are speed)
    -stop (Disable unit commands)
    -resume (Enables them)
    -area #### #### (First #'s are size 2nd Rawcode, then click where you want it)
    -autoh ### (Autoheals by precentage)(A little buggy)
    -disable (Disable -reg)
    -list# (1-8 )
    -cheaton ## (Turns cheats on for player specified)
    -cheatoff ## (Turns cheats off for player specified)
    -unit #### (Spawns specified unit at issued location)
    -nounit (Disables -unit)
    -act (Changes activator to whatever specifed, needs a - at the beginning)
    -unitid (Shows the unit's rawcode)
    -itemid (Shows the unit's item rawcode in first slot)
    -destid (Shows rawcode of destructable in Reg)
    -destroy (Removes selected units)
    -revive (Revives dead hero and spawns at selected unit)
    -addhp (Adds hp to any unit, needs to be divisable by 50)
    -colors (Displays player numbers by color)
    -say###### (# = hex code only 0-9 and A-F will work)(After the hex just put the text you want displayed)

    Downlod Disini

    Credit: G_g Shocked

    *Source Time Forum



    Bug Map Hidden Crazy Kart

    If you know how to use bug crazy kart map hidden. It's easy and simple, you just copy paste download file to crazy kart. Below here are some tips to use bug crazy kart :
    1. download file
    2. open file crazykart.exe
    3. wait until loading
    4. install crazy kart folder
    5. click yes all
    6. login

    download bug map
    pasword YoNzR

    thx einsbert / YoNzR

    *Sumber : Cheatgame



    Audition Agent 4.3 TernimationRule

    Ini Hack Perfect buat Ayodance bisa di pakai, karena ini harus login silahkan kalian daftarkan id kalian dolo... selamat mencoba...
    Tutorial supaya program berbahasa inggris.
    * Setelah install cari C:\Asnpnet Software\ThaiGamerHacks\AuditionAgent SoLoving\ControlCenter.ini
    * Ganti LangFile=Thai.ini menjadi LangFile=English.ini
    * Ok langsung jalanin programnya
    * Berlaku pada semua audition agent

    Download Here !!!

    Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

    Audition Hack 0.0.1

    Audition Hack 0.0.1

    Is free but not in use to fight other players

    *Password : modem25000



    4th Modz Revolution 7

    Lagi-lagi 4th modz yang terkenal ini mengeluarkan cheat terbarunya yang dinamakan 4th Modz Rev 7. Cheat yang satu ini ampuh bisa beribu-ribu perfect . Kita dapat lihat pada Update screennya yang terdapat pemain yang perfectnya top!! lihat screenshotnya

    Welcome Screen

    Update Screen : Tunggu hingga selesai

    Select : Pilih yang warna hijau

    Login Screen : Pilih register jika belum mempunyai account

    Register Screen : Isi semua field lalu register dan login

    Udah lihat kan.. langsung download disini. Install dan Mainkan

    Download 4th Modz

    Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

    New Hack Perfect Juni ~ AGUSTUS

    New Hack Perfect Juni-Agustus 2009
    No Dc
    No Relog
    No Usering Data EROR
    No Password

    Mau ???

    Klik DI SINI

    4Th Modz Revo

    Neh Hack Perfect Dari 4TH dah di Rilis kebetulan saya moderator di sana saya bawa pulang oleh" ke indo nah ini dah saya upload sekitar 8MB filenya... jagan lupa ini dah pacth sampe 5x jadi Harus nunggu kita download Cilent hack sekitar 6MB lagi jadi sabar-sabar aja ngedownloadnya mayam bayak tapi gampang cuma tinggal runing aja dah ngepacth kaya Pacter Ayodance kok...

    ID Login 4TH Modz Revolution :
    User Name : hikaru01 - hikaru100
    Password : studiohikaru
    (VIP ID hikaru01,hikaru02,hikaru03 Anti Kick dan baned)

    Harap gunakan Hack ini sebaik-baiknya karena ini memilki ID dan bisa Chat karena saya sudah minta ID khusus buat kalian jagan sampai di baned dan di kick saya nanti dari 4TH karena kalian semua oke?! ^^

    Download Here

    Pro Shoot Gunbound

    Pro Shoot Gunbound

    Click To Download =)

    Tambahan =)

    1.- Execute "aimb0YdXl.exe"
    2.- Click in Adversiment or wait 300 seg.
    3.- The button "[ Start ]" has been activated, click
    4.- Keys
    Re.Pag y Av.Pag = change mobil
    Alt = fix target
    Ctrl + Alt = automatic mode

    Ctrl + A = Auto Aim
    Ctrl + D = Manual
    Ctrl + B = Backshot

    nih ada lagi

    1.- UNZIP
    2.- Execute "gzbotPRO.exe"
    3.- Wait for shoting down the presentation screen
    5.- Enter Gunbound

    How to use: (while playing)
    Ctrl + B = Change Bot
    Ctrl + Click (left) = Target your bot's position
    Ctrl + Click (right) = Target enemy position

    Software 1 Juta Serial Number

    hari ini saya akan memberikan link download yang berisikan kumpulan serial number software baru dan software lama, yang total serial numbernya sekitar 1 juta serial number, kalo gak percaya silakan dihitung saja.

    Yang tertarik langsung saja download Link dibawah ini, ukuran filenya kecil hanya 299 kb

    Download Map Dota 6.60 !!!

    Map resmi Dota 6.60 akhirnya di-rilis juga! :D Map ini masih tetep dibuat oleh IceFrog dan si IceFrog ini ternyata sekarang mendirikan website komunitas Dota sendiri yang alamatnya di

    Kamu bisa download Dota 6.60 secara GRATIS di sini ^.^ Tapi, sebelum download berikut aku kasih kutipan tentang Dota 6.60 yang diambil dari blog lain :

    Dota 6.60 has been released and you can download official dota 6.60 map for Free in here! But, before I share to you the link to download Dota 6.60 I just wanna tell you if there are so many Big Changes in Dota 6.60

    Yeah, there are a lot of changes (changelogs) inDota 6.60 and this map is still made by IceFrog although he has been left He also fullfil his promise to release the official Dota 6.60 map on early June.

    Okay, if you want to know the Big Changes (changelogs) in official Dota 6.60 map you can download it here! And to download the official Dota 6.60 map, you can click the link below :

    Download Dota 6.60



    Perfect Hack June (Audition) [2]

    Download it

    Perfect Hack June will help you to play Battle Party and test license. You can download it for Free!

    CREDIT Dhiiitz


    lTechFire Hot Dance 1.5 - Auto Audition (Romeo Hot Dance) - 01-06-09

    Hot Dance lTechFire 1.5 (IHD) - Auto Audition - 01-06-09

    Has name brand Hot Dance from Romeo (RHD) to iTechFire Hot Dance (IHD)
    Changed address transaction history (RomeoHotDance.Sharkvn @ to => (lT.HotDance @ and will completely change the information on the product's lTechFire pm: ===> LT. HotDance unique to register separate accounts for

    Guidance and general account: Auto pop-up will be!
    100 more accounts Hacl + Perfect Hack + Auto Space Del mừng 4rum new
    Have overcome the problem can not log into the server at night. Current server will run 24/24 and reset the kì 2 days 1 times up to 12h! (Except the power: ">)

    Do not press F9 if not will be Au Dis.
    custom display card: the card's Control Panel display .=> = 3D setting>
    Method 1: Edit mode Performance = Performance or High Performance.
    Method 2: Adjust the Vertical Sync = Force Off

    dancer01 id ....
    111 password ...
    password optinal 123123 ..


    -Window: Canh Perfect Pro 95% (instead of normal hours click -> [Space] is

    Click Window -> increase to 95% perfect)

    [Window] is between the male `[Ctrl] and [Alt]

    -F3: Enable Auto Ctrl

    -F4: Disable 'Auto Ctrl

    -F5: Enable Auto F1

    -F6: Turn off 'Auto F1

    -F7: enabling Auto Space

    -F8: Turn off Auto Space

    ... +: Increase Auto Space coordinates

    ... -: Discount Auto Space coordinates

    -Tab: Sometimes Auto Show (Couple)

    -CapsLock: Auto BeatUp

    -F10: Perfect Hack

    -F11: Auto Cherco - Dinamic - FreeSyle - Crazy

    -F12: Off -> Auto Arrows, double jump auto, auto beatUp


    Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

    Au Hot Step

    Ini Au Hot Step meski banyak baget jadi pusing jelasinnya intinya ini cheat bisa buat Hack Den,Hack Perfect,Hack Perfect Line, Auto Beat Up





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