cara pake:
-> Buka Trainer
-> Jalankan Pangya
-> Tutup Form 2
-> Trainer yang akan ditampilkan
-> Pilih yang dikehendaki
tapi klo mau trainer ini juga bisa di gabung ma enggine lho..
penjelasan :
vento artinya angin, klo mo nyalain angin 0 tgl centrang aja.
klo angina mo normal lagi centrang aja ativar vento.
special shot sama aja kali artinya ma indo.
klo mo test, test aja dulu di practice ganti ganti aja value nya dari 1 sampai semaulo deh..
special shoot itu bisa di pergunakan buat VS/tur P batle dll.
pula jogada hack kek na itu buat DC in orang deh klo lagi VS.
test aja deh di VS misal ketemu orang nyebelin pas maen di tengah..
centrang aja coba fitur ini di jamin lawan kita itu DC (tapi kasian juga sih)
sempre artinya selalu jadi sempre OB always oB.<<<>pass dia mukul klik aja. pasti OB.
di jamin klo pake ini maen di VS,match dan P batle menang mulu hilarious.png
klo pas kita mukul balikin aja. curaaaaaang
yah klo fitur anti OB sama aja kek di pangya INDO.
pass : BerTz
If you have two character perfect world and you want play with multi login. Now, you can use multi login. How to use multi login perfect world :
1. download and extract file
2. enter element client
3. open program renameIT
4. click launcher your perfect world
5. now, you can play the game with 2 character
remember, I suggest your ram 1 GB or more
download multi ID
Let's download counter strike 1.6 undetected cheat in here for FREE! The name of cheat that I want to share here is MPH UNHEIL 06 for Counter Strike 1.6 It has cool features. MP-HACKS UNHEIL made by seren1ty. Here the features of MPH UNHEIL 06 for Counter Strike 1.6 :
And here the usage of MPH UNHEIL 06 :
To download MPH UNHEIL 06 you can download from Cheat Directory.
Cheat Level Crazy Kart
Do you want crazy kart level 99 or more ? I find crazykart level cheats at forum. To use crazykart level hacks, you download CE 5.4 or CE 5.5 or moonlight / revolution engine 7.2. Step to use it :
1. Choice program crazycart client.dat
2. scan type text your name char
3. after exit address game value, you see address 4,5,6
4. find address value 4,5,6 to change your character level to high or low
thx einsbert / YoNzR
*Sumber : CheatgameKamu bisa download Dota 6.60 secara GRATIS di sini ^.^ Tapi, sebelum download berikut aku kasih kutipan tentang Dota 6.60 yang diambil dari blog lain :
Dota 6.60 has been released and you can download official dota 6.60 map for Free in here! But, before I share to you the link to download Dota 6.60 I just wanna tell you if there are so many Big Changes in Dota 6.60
Yeah, there are a lot of changes (changelogs) inDota 6.60 and this map is still made by IceFrog although he has been left He also fullfil his promise to release the official Dota 6.60 map on early June.
Okay, if you want to know the Big Changes (changelogs) in official Dota 6.60 map you can download it here! And to download the official Dota 6.60 map, you can click the link below :
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